Saturday, January 2, 2016

See the loving hand of god behind everything and tolerate inconveniences

In the same way, we have to know that there are many things in life, which are beyond our control. If a person thinks, “I can control everything in every situation throughout my life”, the mind of such a person will be literally torn to pieces. An intelligent person knows that god is the supreme controller and that he is controlling everything that is happening throughout the world as well as his own life. Such a person, who sees with the eyes of knowledge, can understand that he is bound from head to toe by the laws of nature. When we ourselves are so completely controlled how then can we expect to control every situation, or for that matter, any situation? Therefore, though there may be hundreds of inconveniences, annoyances and irritations from the moment we wake up every morning to the moment we sleep at night (and even when we are asleep); we have to understand that they are not within our power to change. So we should learn to tolerate them without being disturbed.

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