Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Authorities Accept Krishna 3

     We are not manufacturing these words. They are in Bhagavad-gita. If we claim to study the Gita, we have to accept the statements there. Bhagavad-gita means “the song sung by the Supreme Personality of Godhead.”

    Our Krishna consciousness movement is meant to preach all over the world that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead: krishnas tu bhagavan svayam.

    You are searching after God. You are taxing your brain so much. But in spite of this, you sometimes say, “There is no God,” or “God is dead,” or “Everyone is God,” and so on. But our proposition is “Why are you taxing your brain? Here is God: Krishna.”

    From authorities, by hearing from the Vedic literature, by hearing of Krishna’s activities, we can know that Krishna is God. If we read about the life of Krishna, we can see that He’s God from the very beginning. God is not manufactured by some mystic power. God is God, and dog is dog. A dog cannot become God; God cannot become a dog.

     Krishna was God from the very beginning. As soon as Krishna took birth, He appeared in His four-armed form as Lord Vishnu. But when his mother prayed to Him to become an ordinary child, He became an ordinary child with two hands. So that is God: He must be God from the very beginning, not that by attaining some mystic power one can become God.

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