Monday, January 11, 2016



      While doing our duties responsibly, we should be intelligent enough not to add on to our response-abilities by taking additional loads due to our egoistic initiative; otherwise we are simply purchasing trouble. Such an egoistic person thinks, “He is doing so much work. I must show the world that I am greater than him.” And so one takes on so much load on oneself that one has no time for god; no time for one’s own family, no time for even the basic activities of life. In this way, one becomes practically crazy working 14 or 16 hours a day. And there is no end to such work. How can such a person who, in order to satisfy his inflated ego, is caught up in unending materialistic activities and the concomitant immeasurable anxieties, ever attained peace of mind? So one should do one’s job properly and, at the same time, set aside sufficient time for cultivating one’s inward life by chanting, reading scriptures and coming with one’s family to worship the supreme Lord Krishna.

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