Monday, January 4, 2016



       “O almighty lord, I have no desire to accumulate wealth, nor do I desire beautiful women, nor do I want any number of followers. I only want your causeless devotional service birth after birth.” (Shikshashtakam)

      The first reaction of most people on hearing this prayer is shocked and utter disbelief, women followers are what people hanker and toil tirelessly for throughout their lives. But to the degree a person is hankering for recognition from worldly people, to that degree his mind will be torn to pieces. Why?   Because the harsh unpalatable truth is that no one in the world respects you, has any concern for you or is even interested in you; their respect, concern and interest are all for what you possess. Countless examples can be given to substantiate this truth:

·         A prostitute will smile at a man, speaks sweetly with him and provide him with all enjoyment; due to her behavior, the man may naturally start thinking, “O she’s attracted to me. I am so handsome!” but she is not the least interested in him; the moment his pocket is empty, she will disappear.

·         When a tree is full of fruits; multitudes birds flocks to the tree. The tree may think, “All these birds are coming to me. I am such an entity.” but the moment the fruits get over, not a single bird even glance at the tree.

·         When many charming deer’s are grazing in the forest, the forest may think, “I must be so wonderful that even these beautiful deer are coming to me.” But when there is no green grass in the forest, the deer will not stay there even for a moment.

        Similarly, it appears that all the people, who surround you, are interested in you and that they are all impressed by your greatness. But when you grow old and are no longer beautiful or when you lose the opulence that you have today, and cricketers have thousands of fans in their youth and they feel on top of the world, receiving the adulation of their fans. But when they grow old, none of their fans pay even the slightest attention to them, leave alone respecting or adulating them. And for one who has been famous, obscurity is worse than death. For example, there was a celebrated football player and, due to his exceptional talent in maneuvering the ball with his foot, he had millions of fans all over the world literally mad after him (or so he though). But one day he somehow broke his leg and he could no longer play football. And that was the end of his flame; not even single soul would come to meet him thereafter. Even if nothing like this happens to the famous person, still all his accumulated wealth, possessions, recognition etc., are going to be lost in the sands of time at the time of death. In this way we can the easily understand that being, mad for recognition from the people of the world is foolishness.

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