Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Authorities Accept Krishna 7

     One has to understand thoroughly that he’s not master, he’s servant. He’s completely dependent on the supreme will. If we do not surrender to the supreme will, then we have to surrender to the will of maya. We have to remain a servant. If we reject servitude of the Supreme Lord, then we have to become the servant of the senses. That is maya. Actually, that is going on. The whole world is serving different types of desire.

     Now, we have not manufactured the Krishna consciousness movement. We get it from the Bhagavad-gita: sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja. Krishna says, “Give up all these nonsense desires. Surrender unto Me” That is the whole purpose of the Bhagavad-gita. Maya dictates our desires, which dictate us. And we want to falsely become the master. That is illusion. We are not master. How can we be master? We may be scientifically advanced. We may manufacture wonderful machines and weapons, but after all, we are subjected to the rules of maya: birth, disease, old age, and death. We cannot escape these four principles of maya’s machinery.

       Therefore the sane man, who is actually learned, surrenders to Krishna. Bahunam janmanam ante jnanavan mam prapadyate. One who becomes wise surrenders to Krishna. Otherwise, one thinks, “Who is Krishna? I am as good as Krishna. I am God.” That is maya. That is not actually knowledge.

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