Monday, January 4, 2016



         When done every day, can give us tremendous inner strength and iron- like determination to tolerate any situation in any walk of life. So by inner spiritual strength derived from regular chanting, we can learn endure all the sufferings of the world.

And, of course, it is not that we just have to go on enduring the lows of the world for the rest of eternity and that there will be no respite ever. Though we may suffer at the present moment, we should know that as we are performing devotional service to god, we are gradually becoming purified and we will eventually be taken out of this world of misery and be situated in the kingdom of god, an abode of eternity, bliss and knowledge, which is our original home. So as long as we are connected to god and are on our way back to god, we can be assured that in the future there will be no suffering for us and, even in the present, as we develop, more and more tolerance, our suffering will keep decreasing. On the other hand, if someone has no connection to god, helplessly tossed about in an ocean of suffering and, due to his present sinful activities; he is going to be cast deeper into the ocean in the future. As long as he does not connect himself with god, there will be no respite whatsoever in his suffering.

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