Saturday, December 26, 2015


In the same way, if hundreds of people respects us but one person insult us, that one insult makes us thoroughly miserable; the respect of hundred other people has no value for us. But if we understand that all these insults are coming upon us as a result of our past activities then we can learn to shut our eyes to the insults.
And when we are insulted in such a way due to some reasons, we should learn to forget and forgive. We should never maintain grudges. if we nurture  an ill feeling in our hearts towards a man who has insulted us without openly expressing it, that is even worse than openly expressed anger. Suppressed anger is like mental cancer. It leads to sleeplessness, it poisons blood, and it increase blood pressure and take away all peace of mind. An insult is like split milk, if milk is split on the ground, then what can we do about it? It’s finished; it’s done. So we should learn to forget such incidents, which have already occurred and just go ahead with our regular activities without becoming distracted or different. But if we nourish the grievances and brood over the past happenings, then not only does it cause immense pain to our heart but it may also lead to disastrous consequences, as seen in the following incident from Mahabharata
When Drona, brahamana’s son, and Drupada, a prince, were studying in the same gurukula, they became close friends. One day in a moment of intimate friendship, Drupada promise, Drona, “when I inherent the kingdom of my father, I will give half of it to you.”
Later, Drupada went to become the king of Panchal, whereas Drona became poor brahamana. Once in a moment of acute poverty, when his son was crying piteously for milk and Drona had no money to get any milk, he remembered the promise of his boyfriend, Drupada. He, therefore, went to meet Drupada and reminded him of their old friendship. Sitting on his majestic royal throne, in the midst of the court, Drupada looked at the poor brahamana standing in front of him and said, “o unfortunate brahamana, how do you consider me as your friend now? Past friendships are meaningless. Only equals can be friends. Now I am a great king and you are a poor brahamana. Do not try to invoke a long dead relationship.” Saying this, Dhrupad laugh at Drona, gave him a little charity and sent him off. Deeply insulted Drona left Panchal, but his mind was fixed on revenge. He didn’t forget and forgive; instead he kept the memory of the incident burning in his heart and resolved to take revenge when the right moment came.

Later on Drona became the military teacher of the Pandavas and the Kauravas. When they completed their training and asked him what guru-dakshina they could give him, Drona requested them to capture Drupada and him bring him as a prisoner before him. On hearing the desire of their guru, first the Kauravas, headed by Duryodhana, attacked Drupada, who easily defeated them. When the Kauravas returned defeated then. When n the Kauravas returned defeated, the Pandavas headed by Arjuna invaded Panchal. They defeated Drupada, arrested him, brought him as a captive to their gurukula and threw him at the feet of drone.

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