Saturday, December 5, 2015


Shree Radha Madan Mohan Temple is located near the Kali Ghat ,which was built by Kapur Ram Das of Multan. This is the oldest temple in Vrindavan. The temple is closely associated with the Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu . The original image of Lord Madan Gopal was shifted from the shrine to Karauli in Rajasthan for safe keeping during Mugal emperor Aurangzeb's rule.
Advaita Acarya discovered the original Deity of Madana-Mohan at the base of an old vata tree, when he visited Vrindavana. He found this Deity at Advaita Vata, which is the place where he did his bhajana. This place is just below the hill on which the Madana-Mohan temple is located. He entrusted the worship of Madana-Mohan to his disciple, Purusottama Chaube, who then gave the Deity to Sanatana Gosvami. Worshiped along with Madana-Mohan are Radharani and Lalita, who were sent to Vrindavana by Purusottama Jena, the son of Maharaja Prataparudra.

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