Tuesday, December 29, 2015


               When Dhritarashtra came to know about the devilish mentality of Duryodhana, he tried to pacify him, “My dear son, whatever you may want for your enjoyment is already at your disposal. Our opulence is no less than that of the gods in heaven. We have immense wealth, magnificent mansions. The best of clothes, the finest food and beautiful women. All these are just waiting to give you pleasure. What reasons is there for you to become depressed?”  Duryodhana suddenly muttered, “Don’t you know that they got thousands of invaluable gifts in Rajsuya yajna?”
        Dhritarashtra suggested, “You can also perform a similar sacrifice and you will also get those gifts,”But Duryodhana would not get even one tenth of the gifts that Yudhishthir got.
       Therefore the evil-minded Duryodhana, along with the diabolical Shakuni, decided to devise some devious ways, by which the Pandavas could be destroyed. Duryodhana knew that he could not challenge the Pandavas in a battle; they would easily defeat him. So he decided to invite the Pandavas to gambling match so that their kingdom can be usurped and they can be exiled into the forest.

Even during the exile of the pandavas, Duryodhana, though the emperor of the entire world was constantly in anxiety about the possibilities of return of Pandavas in the future; he was never at peace. On the other hand, Pandavas,who were great devotees of Krishna, being non envois, lived peacefully though they were in utter poverty in the forest.

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