Tuesday, December 29, 2015


               At that time, Maharaj decided to conduct the Rajasuya yajna to establish the supremacy of the Lord Krishna. He invited all the kings and sages from all over the universe for the yajna. At the time of yajan, he allocated various services to his relatives and close friends. He requested Bhisma and Drona to oversee the organization of the sacrifice, Dushasana to take care of distribution of the food to all the guests. Asvathama to attend to the brahmanas and Duryodhana to receive all gifts, Lord Krishna took the humble role of washing the feet of all the sages and brahmanas arriving for the Rajasuya yajna.
             Seeing the hundreds and thousands of   priceless gifts that came for Yudhisthir, Duryodhana’s heart burnt with envy. And when he saw the incomparable opulence of the famed palace of the pandavas, theMayasabha, he could no longer control his jealousy, He sniffed and huffed and frowned harshly at the innocent servants who were cheerfully passing by within the palace. He was in a state of total misery and despondency.

               Once his way back to Hastinapura, Duryodhana told his uncle, Shakuni, “It is impossible for me to see the prosperity of the Pandavas.What type of man who possesses any self-respect can bear to see his enemies prosper more than him? How can I ever equal power and the opulence of the Pandavas?  Myall efforts to do so have been completely frustrated. And my attemots to destroy :Pandavas have also met with total failure. On the contrary, they are flourishing like lotuses in a pond. Therefore I cannot live any longer. I will enter into fire or I will swallow poison and thus end my life. Please inform my father Dhritarashtra about  the terrible anguish I am in.” And while he was speaking, the fire of envy in his heart

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