Monday, November 30, 2015


Kalki avatar is the 10th and final avatar of lord vishnu.The narrative is set in the near  the end of kaliyuga or Dark Age.One of the main reason Lord Vishnu would come to earth as Kalki is to destroy and defeat evil forces on the earth.
“Lord Kalki will appear in the home of the most eminent Brahmana of Shambhala village, the great soul Vishnuyasha.”
“At the end of Kali-yuga, when there exist no topics on the subject of God, even at the residences of so-called saints and respectable gentlemen of the three higher varnas [ and when the power of government is transferred to the hands of ministers elected from the lowborn Shudra class or those less than them, and when nothing is known of the techniques of sacrifice, even by word, at that time the Lord will appear as the supreme chastiser.” 
“At that point of time there will be chaos on earth. Everywhere the undesirable activities of the thieves and plunderers would be on the increase. . . At that point in time, in the house of a Brahmana named Vishnuyasha, Narayana shall appear in one of his rays in the form of the great Kalki as the son of that Brahmana. He will be mounted on a very big horse and holding a sword in his hand, he shall destroy all the mlecchas [wicked, selfish and low-minded people] on earth. Thus, the earth would be rid of the mlecchas, after which he will disappear.”
 Lord Parasurama, as Kalki’s teacher, explains to Lord Kalki after His training what His mission will be: “You have learned the art of discharging arrows from Me. You will imbibe transcendental knowledge from Shukadeva Gosvami, and You will be awarded a powerful weapon by Lord Shiva. Thereafter, You will marry a woman named Padma from the island of Simhala [Sri Lanka]. Your mission is to re-establish Sanatana-dharma. Thereafter, You will set out to conquer the entire world and in the course of that conquest, You will defeat many sinful kings who are representatives of Kali. You will also annihilate many followers of Buddhism and finally, You will entrust the responsibility of ruling the world to Devapi and Maru.”

After Lord Kalki had removed all of the nefarious and wicked kings, rulers, and people, and the atheist religions had also been abolished for the real spiritual process of Sanatana-dharma, Lord Kalki returned from His wanderings over the planet to remain in the village of Shambhala. The Kalki Purana (32.2-5) explains, “Lord Kalki continued to reside in the village of Shambhala, along with His brothers, sons, other relatives and associates, for one thousand years. The entire village of Shambhala, which was as good as the heavenly planets, appeared very beautiful with its assembly houses, gates, raised platforms, and flags flapping in the breeze that has been placed here and there. Anyone who gave up his material body in Shambhala was freed from all sinful reactions and awarded shelter at the lotus feet of Lord Kalki. Thus, the village of Shambhala, which was profusely decorated with blooming flowers, pious trees, forests and gardens, became a holy place that granted liberation from material existence.”

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